I've been wanting to use this image on a card almost from the beginning, but it was too low and wide to look at all good on a tall narrow card. The thought did occur to me to turn the card on its side, but then I worried, "Am I allowed to do that in an Oracle deck where all the other cards are straight up and down?"
It wasn't until just yesterday, as I was looking through the candidates for the last card, that I finally thought, "Bag it! It's MY deck -- I can do whatever I want!"
And so there you are. It's fitting, I think, that a card all about Willful Disobedience and Pure Cussedness is all sideways. And it ought to make for some interesting readings.
And now I do believe that This is It.
It's the moment in any project that feels Genuinely Magickal, the moment where you can type The End. Next up, I have to do the box design, which I'll post here of course, and from there it's just a matter of making the last revisions, finalizing the designs, making the full-size PNG files and getting them off to the printer. And then the agonizing days waiting for the proof to arrive.
Busy times ahead, but this is the kind of Busy I like.
Many thanks to all of you who have followed me in this Brownie Journey (which sounds kind of perverse all by itself!). I should have Something Real to show you soon.
-- Frede.