Monday, August 10, 2015

The Box design -- and Developments

And here's the box design, unless I change it after seeing a printed proof. I made all but two of the flaps black; you won';t be seeing them anyway once the box is assembled.

The card and box designs are all finalized and uploaded to the printer; and I'm a little less than than halfway through the making of the Little White Book, so things are moving right along.

But the really good news I have to share is this: a while back I stumbled across six new "Brownie Proverbs," five of which were good enough to warrant inclusion here. But the question was, could I add five more cards to the proverbs deck without raising the production cost?

The answer is yes! And so five new cards have been added to the poker-sized "proverbs" deck, making 25 cards to that deck, plus 60 in the main Jumbo-sized deck, for a total of 85 cards in the set.

I won't reveal the five new cards here, let's just let that be a surprise between you and me.

Onward! I have just the LWB to finish, and then this baby will be ready for its trial run.

-- Frede.